These books represent some of the most foundational teachings given by Pastor Jim Borchert. Feel free to explore the topics in these books, presented in an easy-to-read style, with the hope of spreading the good news of the Gospel with understanding and revelation from the Holy Spirit.
Featured book
God is a Loving Father, Not an Angry Judge
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Book Synopsis – Bullet points can be highlights
- Vulputate gravida sit semper
- Lorem cursus vel netus pretium
- Nascetur aenean lorem pretium accumsan
- Sed ut fames maecenas ullamcorper vestibulum
- Non duis tristique tortor bibendum
Books by Pastor Jim Borchert
Something here
8 Parts to Daily Prayer
A Little Leaven
A Local Church
Bridal Perfection
Don't Obey God Without God
Emotional Happiness
Heartfelt Repentance
Identity Creates Capacity
The Light that Brings You Peace
No-Maintenance Relationships
Power of the Blood
What God Hath Joined